Do you have a practical enquiry regarding your stay in Hotel Riant Séjour? Have a look through the following FAQs. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Feel free to contact us, we will provide you with a prompt response.
Frequently asked questions
All our rooms have air conditioning.
parking: 30 €/day
These spaces are limited. Therefore we recommend to reserve them together with your hotel room.
Are you travelling by plane? Then you can easily take the train to Blankenberge after arriving at Brussels Airport in Zaventem. With one change in Brussels-Midi you will reach the station of Blankenberge in approximately 1 hour and 40 minutes. Once you have arrived in Blankenberge, you will find Riant-Séjour at 10 minutes walking distance from the station.
The hotel is also easily accessible by tram or bus.
Your room is available from 3pm. Baggage may be deposited at the reception earlier, if desired.
You can check out until 11am.
The rooms in hotel Riant-Séjour are not equipped with anti-allergenic rooms.
In Hotel Riant-Séjour the rooms are spacious enough for wheelchair users. The bathrooms of these hotel rooms are not adapted.
You can enjoy complementary Wi-Fi throughout the hotel. Request the code at our reception.
Pets are not allowed in the Hotel Riant Séjour.